Steps You Should Be Taking to Maintain Your Central AC
If you have a central air conditioner  in Brandon, FL, you know that it is not something to be taken for granted. Of course, you know that your air conditioner is valuable, but are you taking the proper steps to protect this important investment in your comfort and health?
Your air conditioner may seem like another part of your home, hidden from view so that you don’t have to worry about it. But an air conditioner can break down when you need it most—if it doesn’t get the maintenance it really needs to perform. Not sure what type of maintenance your air conditioner should receive? We’ve got some tips here, but are sure to call professionals for the major maintenance steps that are tricky to handle on your own.

Changing the Filter

We simply cannot stress this enough. You should be changing the air filter each and every month. This is especially true in an area like ours, and it has little to do with allergens in the air. You change the filter each month because a dirty filter can severely interfere with the way an air conditioner works. Still, you need a filter in place to clean the air and protect the AC from damage caused by debris.

A dirty filter may block contaminants from moving through the home. That’s because it will also stop air from moving throughout your home. And that’s a huge problem. Not only will you feel less comfortable, but the air conditioner can also malfunction in major ways because it’s designed to have a set amount of airflow moving through it. Coils freeze, motors become overworked, and temperatures are never quite up to par.

Keeping the Area Clear

One simple way to maintain your central AC: keep it as clean as possible in whatever way you can. Mainly, this means keeping the outside unit clear of leaves and other debris. Never cover it up if you intend to use it. And make sure vents and registers throughout the home are not blocked off either.
Cleaning the Coil
The outside of your air conditioner is called the condensing unit because it has a condenser coil in it. This coil has refrigerant in it, which is in gaseous form, pressurized and heated. At the condenser coil, refrigerant turns to a liquid (condenses). In the process, it loses some of its heat to the surrounding air. That’s how your air conditioner Ac Repair Brandon cools, by transferring heat.

When this coil is dirty, your air conditioner cannot release heat, meaning it cannot cool you down properly. Because it’s outside, it can get dirty fast, so it’s important to clean it—or get it cleaned with chemicals professionally—every year or 6 months. When you live in a coastal area, you may also need to weatherproof the outside coil to keep the salty air from causing accelerated corrosion.

Fine-Tuning and More

In general, the most important step you should be taking to maintain your central air conditioner is scheduling regular professional maintenance. A trained HVAC technician should be able to diagnose problems with your air conditioner so that you can get them fixed ASAP and avoid sudden system breakdowns. In addition, they can fine-tune and clean other components and see that your AC is in tip-top shape for all that Florida heat.
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