Bird woman is a character from that distant, destroyed and uncertain future, where human beings can transform their body as they please by means of technology, in an eternal search for sense and essence.
The first part of the project was developed in three days for an academic assignment known as rápido ("swift," a contest held by the School of Design, in which students must present a proposal comprising the entire process: from the conceptualization to the materialization), while I attended the module called Jewelry. The subject in question was the cyberpunk, a subgenre of science fiction. 
This first part, a jewelry piece, which can also be part of both the performative world and art, inspired the second part of the project that was done in 2012. This last part consists in 4 clothing proposals that featured an interesting exploration in terms of pattern making. Nevertheless, the design line of the first work was always followed: a dark and dramatic romanticism, strongly bound to the aforementioned performative side, and distanced from the “commercial world.”
Bird woman is a character from that distant, destroyed and uncertain future, where human beings can transform their body as they please by means of technology, in an eternal search for sense and essence.
La Mujer Pájaro


La Mujer Pájaro

Bird woman is a character from that distant, destroyed and uncertain future, where human beings can transform their body as they please by means Read More
