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Magento 2 Retail Store Appointment

Magento 2 Retail Store Appointment by Meetanshi facilitates the customers to book an appointment in Magento 2 online store for visiting your retail store.
Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in fear among people’s minds. Very few people preferred coming out of their house. As a result, store owners are facing many challenges in terms of finance, promoting their sales and managing crowd at a particular time. Hence, to overcome these Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Retail Store Appointment extension that facilitates merchants to schedule appointments for their customers online in the Magento 2 store.

The extension helps in improving the customer experience of your retail store by managing the appointments such that no crowd is gathered at a particular point of time. Thus, this helps in maintaining social distance and improving the efficiency of the store.
Magento 2 Retail Store Appointment module also helps the staff members to work effectively and without any work load. For a retail store, having limited capacity it would be an added advantage that the customers won’t have to wait standing out in the long queue for hours to have a trial or either looking for the products.

The key benefit is by integrating with Google Calendar to remind the customer about an appointment by creating an event in it and push them to visit the store. The module is also useful for merchants offering salon services, where taking prior appointments is necessary.

Hence, the Magento 2 Retail Store Appointment extension is a must-have extension in this Covid-19 and post Covid-19 situation.

Benefits of Choosing Meetanshi’s Magento 2 Retail Store Appointment

• Allows the customers to schedule an online appointment for visiting the retail store in the Magento 2 store.
• Facilitates the admin to set the opening and closing time of the retail store to schedule appointments during that time duration.
• Backend option for the admin to set the appointment duration.
• The admin can configure the number of appointments to be scheduled at that particular time.
• Option to choose the number of days of week when the appointment is allowed to schedule.
• Frontend option to receive an email notification to the admin, when the customer books an appointment.
• The admin can set the Email ID, Email Sender and Email template for email notifications.
• The customers are informed whether their appointment is approved or not. They are allowed to select both templates and Email sender.
• The appointments are auto-confirmed by the admin.
• Use the Client ID, Client Secret, Redirect URL, and Client Token to integrate and configure Google calendar API with Magento 2. Thus, one creates an event about their visit to your retail store by scheduling an appointment as a reminder and so that the customer doesn’t forget to visit the store.
• Facilitates the admin to configure custom text for event summary and event description for creating in the customer's Google Calendar.
• Use site key and secret key obtained at the time of registration to configure Google reCAPTCHA and integrate it with Magento 2.
• Option for the customers to schedule an appointment as per their convenience with date and time picker.
• Backend option to manage customers appointments and lists details such as appointment ID, first name, last name, email ID, mobile number, appointment time and date, status of the appointment.
• Improves the customer experience and efficiency of your retail store.
• The extension helps in implementing social distance by managing appointments so that the crowd doesn't get gathered at a particular time.
Magento 2 Retail Store Appointment

Magento 2 Retail Store Appointment



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